Had a great day and great food =)
Went for tuition after school and guess what?Our teacher belanja us PIZZA HUT.We did not went to pizza hut to eat in fact our teacher bought the pizza and bring it to tuition.There was six variety of pizza flavor for us to eat as there was a promotion given by pizza hut.Buy two free one.The moment i ate the third piece of pizza,i felt that my stomach cant take it anymore.I was about to vomit as pizza contains too much flour if you eat too much XD and so i stop eating and had a cup or two of 100 plus.Not for long,tuition started around 1.30pm.There is still left around 3 boxes of pizza at that moment.Teacher ask us to eat and i rejected as i was too full but teacher insist me to eat and she told me if i do not eat i'm a sisi which meant half girl half guy =.= Couldn't let that happen so i ate another piece.That meant all together i ate four pieces. OMG !!! SO FULL.Anyways, just want to say to my teacher Took Shir Li Thank you for the meal^^After Tuition To Sunway Pyramid
It was around 3.15pm Yi xiang and I went to sunway pyramid to watch a chinese comedy show which called (Love In Disguise 恋爱通告).Bought the ticket around 3.45pm then head to arcade for awhile then walk around sunway and in asian avenue.Nothing much as our motif is to watch the movie.Planned to watch Ecplise too but cant make it as we had to wait for yi xiang sister to pass the movie ticket that his sister ask to buy.The movie ended around 6.40pm.Overall i could rate for this movie is 8.5/10 =) Funny show and enjoyed the movie.After that,went to sunway Cyber Cafe then ate our dinner at gasoline. 恋爱通告
The ticket
Popcorn =) The last time i ate popcorn was 1 month ago.Cinema popcorn taste good.
Yi xiang
Had our dinner at this place
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